Monday, June 12, 2006

hi this is link, these are pictures from the Legend of Zelda. the picture with link holding the sword is from Twilight Princess and the other one is from Majoras Mask.

This is DragonBall Z. In this picture there is Goku, Gotenks, and Gohan. On the bottom picture, Its all about Goku. and his different super sayin forms.


Neko the Ninja said...

hey guys! this is your cousin!!!
I found a really great site for shonen jump, next I see you I'll show you!!

link said...

hi this is link yur blog is awsome i like the way yu put anime

Neko the Ninja said...

I think I might come to your guy's house today. :D

Neko the Ninja said...

heyheyhey did you guys get a yahoo e-mail account yet?

Neko the Ninja said...

yoyoyo i am coming over.
andandand you guys need to update this blog.

mickey the wicked said...

DBZ is cool.