Sunday, September 30, 2007

Not been on....

I know I haven't been on for a while... I'm very sorry, school has been tough lately... On the other note, I had to go camping on Thursday.... which wasn't that great. I had to balance on a half inch wire which surprisingly... was easy....

I hope you like my new background, please comment me if you do. I want to know your feedbacks... what do you like about my blog, and what I should change... Thanks.


Just another face in the crowd said...

Hey look!! O_O It's my brother!!!! Look!! Can you see him?! I can! :D
Love the blog, considering I'm the one who helped you touch it up ^_^

Thanks for the comment!!! :D

link said...



Ink said...

I cannot see the background.
But that's just my computer being all retarded on me.



Ink said...

LINK IS THE BEST!! Have you played Twilight Princess? My goodness! That game is sooo good!

P.P.S. I love, love, LOOOOOOOVE Smash bro's!
Its only like the most fun game EVER.

Okay I'm done now.
Sorry, I kinda got some gaming geek all over you didn't I?


Ink said...

BTW, I LOVE your new avatar! Wisdom form is SO FUN!!
So are all the other forms, I think its fun turning into the heartless Sora, he totally kicks butt.


Garren said...

hi umm...just another face in the crowds brother!!!cool blog hopefully you will comment me back :D hmm I dont have much left to say but I like the whole wolf thing I like wolves but I hate turning in to one every coulpe hours

~garren the bird wolf kid

Garren said...

PS:fox and falco rock on super smash bros:D

turnabout said...


cool background!


Anonymous said...

I CAN'T WAIT FOR SSBB TO COME OUT! I've already got Pit dibbed a hundred times over. ^-^ My sis dibbed Link though. Grrr. FINALLY, Though, I've found someone just as obsessed over videogames (Twilight princess in particular), anime, maximum ride and Deltora as I am! YAAAAAY! I salute you! lol!
I've been playing my Wii almost every day: ssbm and Twilight princess are the only games I've been playing as I try to prepare myself to kick butt as soon as ssbb comes out! ^-^ I luv luv luv TP! Especially the Cave of Ordeals! ^-^ I beat the game within 18 hours and even did a presentation on how to defeat the mideval knight in the Temple of Time for school. ^-^ Which part was your favorite? Mine would have to be just running around and trying to figure out how to do stuff you're not supposed to be able to do, like getting infinite bombs& arrows. I even made some videos of me doing my favorite glitch and put 'em on YouTube. My screen name's artificialartificial. You should check out some of my blogs: I have 7, lol! ^-^ Sorry about how long that was: I'm just excited that we have so much to talk about. Plus I'm hyper because I just ate, like, twelve candybars and heard good news about my favorite book series and got dizzy from doing the ultimate happydance, so...... yeah.... I'll just be going now..

Max Ride Fan 13 said...

Hey! So you are Just Another Face In the Crowd's younger bro? Cool!! Love the blog and the cursor!!!! So cute! It resembles the shape on my dog. The colours are like really cool! Check out my blog please!!!

Anonymous said...

I've got an idea! Go on youtube, and... do you know how to private message someone on youtube? Private message this name: artificialartificial with your email so I can invite you to join Da Awesome Blog of Stuffs! ^-^ Then we can post stuffs!!!!!!!!! I'm gonna invite Courtney and maybe Nudge.::.Twin too if we can get her hooked on DNAngel or Inuyasha, that way we can talk about anime anime and more anime!!

Max Ride Fan 13 said...

OMG!!! I love the background! I couldn't see the background at first but i see it now and it is soooooo blinkin cool!!!! I love the effects! Thanks for visiting my blog! I don't mind if you comment all the time! i'm happy when ppl comment

Anonymous said...

lol what ever you say

Ink said...

That they do Garren, but so do Zelda and Link!


WingedChild said...

omg!! I love your background! And i love love love x100 the Legend of Zelda. ANd I love xtrilion Naruto. But i missed it last night! Darn. o well...

Nice to meet u!! :)


WingedChild said...

ooo and i love ur icon thing as well. I dont play the game alot but it's fun.


Sk8erGirl said...

OMG! It's like Just Another Face In The Crowd's brother!?(J.A.F.I.T.C) HI!!!!m Yeah... I know lay off they sugar. yadayadayada..

link said...


link said...